We’re so excited for the Kona Surf Film Festival happening this weekend at The Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows on Big Island’s Kohala coast. What better place to dedicate an entire festival than in the birthplace of the sport of kings?
Chad Campbell, the festival founder and program director, says of the films: “From some of the biggest names in the industry to self-taught filmmakers, festival-goers can expect extreme action, epic soundtracks, stunning locales, ground-breaking cinematography, heart-warming stories and behind-the-scenes antics from some of the most iconic faces of the sport.”
Here are just a few of the films we’re stoked on.
Nike 6.0 presents this latest film project, starring the new generation of woman surfers who push surfing to the next level. Starring ASP world champ Carissa Moore (Hawai‘i), Lakey Peterson (California), Laura Enever (Australia), Coco Ho (Hawaii), Byrne-Wickey Monyca (Hawai‘i) and Malia Manuel (Hawai‘i), the film follows the women as they travel the world circuit to Australia, California, Hawai‘i and Mexico.
Lost & Found is a documentary based on the discovery of 30,000 black and white surfing negatives at a flea market in Pasadena, California. As it turned out, the images belonged to Surfing Magazine from the iconic times of the ’60s and ’70s. It’s a journey over three plus years of reuniting and sharing the images capturing stories that unless told, would have been lost.
Lost & Found Official Trailer from Corduroy Films on Vimeo.
Gum For My Boat is a story of hope focusing on the Bangladesh Surf Club and its members. The club consists of around 30 male and female members and is helping to introduce surfing into a culture in a very unconventional method.
With proceeds benefitting the Sea-thos Foundation
The Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows, Kohala Coast, Big Island
December 2-3
Visit konasurffilmfestival.org for more information and the full schedule of festivities.