A Dedication to the Editor’s Mom, on Mother’s Day:
This WOMEN’S issue is dedicated to my mom. Who defines what it is to be a woman. My mom, who was voted “Most Cutest” in Central Intermediate School’s “Hoss Elections,” and yet has shown me that beauty is defined by a selfless heart, not outward appearance. Who taught me about compassion, giving every moment of her spare time to the elderly or the poor in spirit, or the just plain poor. Who has showed me what it means to work hard and to take initiative; my mom is the only woman that I know that will stay up until 2 a.m. and be up a few hours later at 6. Who knows the meaning of humility and can just as easily eat canned tuna and rice as she can at the finest five-star rated restaurant. Mom, you were always too nosey, but I know it’s only because you cared. You weren’t always punctual – I now understand that this is because you were always busy serving others – but you were always there. But most of all, mom, this is for you because you have taught me unconditional love, that even when I did things that broke your heart or disappointed you, you only held me ever tighter, even while tears ran from your eyes. You, who loved a man, our dad – an alcoholic – in what I can only imagine to be some of the saddest points in your life. “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”