You might remember Sabrina from FLUX Magazine Issue III, where she chronicled her trip to SXSW. Current Portland resident and past Honolulu resident Sabrina is self-releasing her debut full length ‘The Hawk & The Hunter‘ tomorrow via her Bandcamp (visit now for a free download of her song “I Want it All“)
To celebrate the release of her Album we are excited to debut her song “Places” which can only be heard on the FLUX Blog….Well until her album comes out tomorrow, but until tomorrow, we are the coolest most exclusive place on earth.
[audio:|titles=Listen to ‘Places’ now!]Sabrina will be returning to Honolulu this month and is throwing a show at The Venue on December 8th at 9:30pm.
To make this show awesome, she has created a collective of music to support her album and is getting her Broken Social Scene on with a big backing band by Shopping List, Kai and myself from Painted Highways. Don’t try to call dibs on Kevin Drew either…I frickin called that shit like Shotgun on a road trip.
We joined in with her on this because we loved her idea of adding the full band aspect to her songs since she is a solo artist and her idea of getting together and playing each others music along with her songs (naturally).
Sorry about mentioning my own band in here, trying not to “Cross the Streams” with that, but I happened to be apart of this show, so what am I going to do? LIE? Don’t you judge me…You don’t know me bro….Don’t touch me! *flails arm backwards.