…is usually what DIY stands for me if I make an attempt to approach anything myself, mainly because I am lazy. I’m not saying I don’t “do it myself,” but sometimes, I’d rather have someone do things for me. It’s freaking hard to do it yourself. You have to be fueled by complete passion, and the only obligation you have to keep going is the one to yourself … well, that and to everyone who may be paying attention to what you are doing. Speaking of which, the hardest part may be to get people to pay attention. But the most passionate strive on to inspire and create in any way they feel.
Over the past year or so, a small community called The Whatever Underground has been building. This new collective of artists has been passionately “booking their own fucking life” all over Chinatown and beyond. The amount of new bands that are popping up around this collective is overwhelming, so I will post links to some of their blogs so you can weed through it yourself and pick your favorite flavor of DIY deliciousness.
It’s not just new bands that this collective is inspiring and starting, they are recording and releasing their own vinyl, cassettes, downloads, zines, booking their own shows where and when they want, and most importantly (at least to me), if they can make it all ages and free, they will.
Take some time and check out what these guys and gals are doing. If anything, it will give you some inspiration to make an attempt to start that band you always wanted to start or at least give you some new Tumblrs to follow and some new albums to download for free. If you need to get out and see something new, come to one of their many shows they have coming up this month and the months to follow. Even this Thursday at Manifest; it’s early (6:30 pm), it’s free and it’s all ages.
DIY Hawaii: diyhawaii.tumblr.com
Showerbeers: showerbeers.tumblr.com
So Nails: sonails.tumblr.com
Whatever Explorer: whateverexplorer.tumblr.com