At the young age of 32, Jamil Newirth has been diagnosed with a stage 4 Glioblastoma Multiforme, which is a cancerous and malignant brain tumor. Jamil will undergo resection surgery to try and remove as much of the tumor as possible before starting radiation and chemotherapy treatment. This type of brain tumor is fast growing and has a 100 percent recurrence rate, therefore Jamil faces a lifelong battle. Future surgeries and subsequent treatment are highly likely. Just as Jamil’s battle will be ongoing, so will the financial burden. Jamil’s family is now looking to raise money to pay for the initial medical bills and to support his health regime as he enters a period of extensive treatments.
Jamil grew up on Maui, and quickly excelled through the ranks, obtaining a scholarship to Pepperdine University in Malibu, Ca. There, he earned a bachelors degree in advertising, then saved enough money to come back home to Hawai‘i where he earned a an environmental law certificate from UH’s William S. Richardson School of Law.
Jamil’s family and friends have already successfully and independently raised $134,000 of their $200k goal. But more help is needed. RAGE4JAMIL, happening at three locations this Friday around Chinatown aims to help Jamil and his family with costs related to the fighting the cancer.
Read more about Jamil’s story or to donate, CLICK HERE.