HAPA with Sergio Garzon and Alakona Corp Pavement Specialists will Print Bigger, this First Friday in the streets of Chinatown. This printmaking spectacular features a sustainable foods theme, community involvement and experimental “inks” including local fruits and vegetables.The massive prints created at Print Bigger will be on display at The ARTS at Marks Garage from March 12 through April 6, 2013 including the largest woodblock ever created in Hawai‘i at over 200 square feet.
On First Friday, March 1, from 7:30-10 p.m., local artists and visiting printmakers will do a live printmaking demonstration on Hotel Street between Smith Street and Maunakea Avenue. Work will be created in public view using a full-scale steamroller, as seen in highway construction projects, and experimental materials such as local fruits and vegetables.
This project is open to solo and team artists to explore imagery illustrating related to local farming, eating a healthy diet, and growing our own food. All work will be submitted in the form of a 4-by-8-foot woodblock, printed by a full-sized pavement roller provided by the generous contribution of Alakona Corp on the streets of Chinatown.
Woodcut is an ancient form of relief printmaking. Artists carve the original design into the surface of the wood to make the image. By carving out areas that are to be white, the block is then inked and paper or fabric pressed onto the inked block to create a woodblock print.
This project breaks down the barriers between the studio, the gallery and the public by taking the process out onto the streets for everyone to engage in. Children and families attending the event will be able to participate in small hands-on activities such as T-shirt printing, and small collaborations with mentoring artists. The Print Bigger project seeks to bring more awareness to the community about genetically modified foods, child nutrition, healthy lifestyles, and combating childhood obesity.
Founded in 1997, the Hawaii Academy of Performing Arts (HAPA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to transforming community through the power of the arts and establishing Chinatown, Honolulu as the creative capital of the of the Pacific. HAPA manages gallery, performance, and business incubators at The ARTS at Marks Garage, live/work space at Chinatown Artists Lofts, afterschool programming for at-risk youth through Chinatown Art Corps, and community through First Friday Honolulu.