Image by John Hook
Most of us are capable of discerning which advertisements are successful and which aren’t simply through observation of our responses to them. But when it comes down to it, what does it really take to create a successful campaign? Nestled in the bustling creative hub that is downtown Chinatown, the design firm Wall-to-Wall Studios is working to address this very question. Its creative director and founder Bernard Uy believes that the key lies in the method of execution, insisting that design is just one facet of the whole process.
Wall-to-Wall started in Pittsburgh back in 1992 when he and co-founder James Nesbitt came up with the concept for a comprehensive design company that would combine their talents in both communications and art. “There’s no denying that we are a visual culture,” says Uy, “but for us, it was imperative that we addressed what was really at the heart of our client’s needs – and that’s effective communication.” In turn, what started off as a traditional graphic design studio and illustration partnership has since evolved to become a branding agency for print, interactive, web and broadcast outlets.
“We couldn’t go in to this business, doing what we did, without having our client’s challenges and goals in mind,” Uy says of the decision to move the company beyond just design. “Otherwise, we’d just be doing something that’s purely along the lines of fine art.”
See the full article in our ART & DESIGN issue!