Dub icon in this mad age of technology warfare (musically speaking) and Dubstep craze. His credentials need no introduction. The Mad Professor has pioneered reggae in its modern dub interpretations with his work in the digital. A passion in electronics engineering led him to tinker with the knobs that confound the majority and the rest is history.
The Mad Professor is no stranger to Hawai‘i. “It’s my two-hundred-something-billionth time. I feel that the people appreciate the type of music we play. Lover’s Rock for example. You know, I’ve traveled the world and played for so many audiences, but some people don’t have a taste for reggae. Luckily for me, we never specialize in one type of music. Hawai‘i is not like other places.”
If you find music rubble too easily clouding your stereo, let the Mad Professor flip the switch and clear the air with infectious sounds best heard live. Do your ears some good and make yourself present for a few lessons.
Mad Professor
Saturday, October 8, 9 p.m.
Nextdoor, 43 N Hotel St.
Click HERE to buy tickets. Presale $10; $15 door.